Zip Code Address
Get the list of all ZIP Codes in the United States with Full Delivery Address and other location details such as County, Locale Name, District, Area (Atlantic, Central, Southern, West Pacific, Headquarters, Overseas), the Type of Zip Code (Standard, PO Box, Unique, Military) and the list of Cities associated with each Zip Code.
The list is sorted by Zip Code.
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Row # | Zip Code | State Id | Default State | Default City | Default Type | Physical Delivery Address | Physical City | Physical State | Physical County | Physical Zip | Physical Zip4 | Locale Name | District Name | Area Name |
4612 | 12401 | 37 | NY | KINGSTON | STANDARD | 90 CORNELL ST | KINGSTON | NY | ULSTER | 12401 | 9998 | KINGSTON | NEW YORK 3 | ATLANTIC |
4613 | 12402 | 37 | NY | KINGSTON | PO BOX | 1300 ULSTER AVE STE 101 | KINGSTON | NY | ULSTER | 12401 | 1518 | HUDSON VALLEY MALL | NEW YORK 3 | ATLANTIC |
4614 | 12402 | 37 | NY | KINGSTON | PO BOX | 90 CORNELL ST | KINGSTON | NY | ULSTER | 12401 | 9998 | KINGSTON | NEW YORK 3 | ATLANTIC |
4615 | 12402 | 37 | NY | KINGSTON | PO BOX | 50 MAIN ST | KINGSTON | NY | ULSTER | 12401 | 3851 | UPTOWN | NEW YORK 3 | ATLANTIC |
4616 | 12404 | 37 | NY | ACCORD | STANDARD | 30 MAIN ST | ACCORD | NY | ULSTER | 12404 | 9998 | ACCORD | NEW YORK 3 | ATLANTIC |
4617 | 12405 | 37 | NY | ACRA | STANDARD | 522 OLD ROUTE 23 | ACRA | NY | GREENE | 12405 | 9998 | ACRA | NEW YORK 3 | ATLANTIC |
4618 | 12405 | 37 | NY | ACRA | STANDARD | 540 MAIN ST | CAIRO | NY | GREENE | 12413 | 9998 | CAIRO | NEW YORK 3 | ATLANTIC |
4619 | 12406 | 37 | NY | ARKVILLE | STANDARD | 43400 STATE ROUTE 28 | ARKVILLE | NY | DELAWARE | 12406 | 9998 | ARKVILLE | NEW YORK 3 | ATLANTIC |
4621 | 12407 | 37 | NY | ASHLAND | STANDARD | 12101 STATE HIGHWAY 23 | ASHLAND | NY | GREENE | 12407 | 9998 | ASHLAND | NEW YORK 3 | ATLANTIC |
Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA)
Get the list of all Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the United States with corresponding global location or coordinates (Latitude and Longitude), Land Area and Water Area.
The list is sorted by ZCTA Code.
(Note: The list contains both 2020 and 2022 ZCTA Codes. Some ZCTA codes from 2022 are not in 2020, and vice versa.)
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Row # | ZCTA Code | Land Area (sq meters) | Water Area (sq meters) | Land Area (sq miles) | Water Area (sq miles) | Latitude | Longitude |
15101 | 45331 | 391559264 | 1504779 | 151.182 | 0.581 | 40.098606 | -84.650546 |
15102 | 45332 | 34943535 | 163521 | 13.492 | 0.063 | 40.000294 | -84.775986 |
15103 | 45333 | 58763162 | 656316 | 22.689 | 0.253 | 40.249464 | -84.331774 |
15104 | 45334 | 69786852 | 61848 | 26.945 | 0.024 | 40.443193 | -84.047814 |
15105 | 45335 | 213228044 | 898454 | 82.328 | 0.347 | 39.639814 | -83.741198 |
15106 | 45336 | 1353774 | 9902 | 0.523 | 0.004 | 40.442745 | -84.257263 |
15107 | 45337 | 53840870 | 59700 | 20.788 | 0.023 | 39.981474 | -84.422600 |
15108 | 45338 | 127527449 | 387578 | 49.239 | 0.150 | 39.850930 | -84.543947 |
15109 | 45339 | 36236488 | 542413 | 13.991 | 0.209 | 40.008963 | -84.340718 |
15110 | 45340 | 62293773 | 136938 | 24.052 | 0.053 | 40.368571 | -84.052152 |
Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) by Place
Get the list of all Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the United States with corresponding list of Places associated with each ZCTA, and details including: the County where the Place is located, the Classification of the Place (borough, CDP, city, municipality, town, urban county, village, comunidad, zona urbana, consolidated government, unified government, metropolitan government, metro government, metro township), the global location or coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) of the Place, the Elevation of the Place, the Land Area and Water Area of both ZCTA and Place, and how much Land Area and Water Area of that Place is assigned to that ZCTA.
The list is sorted by State Name, then Place name, and then ZCTA Code.
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Row # | ZCTA Code | State Abbr. | Place Name | Place Class | County Name | Latitude (DMS) | Longitude (DMS) | Latitude (dec) | Longitude (dec) | Elevation (meters) | Elevation (feet) | ZCTA Land Area (sq meters) | ZCTA Water Area (sq meters) | Place Land Area (sq meters) | Place Water Area (sq meters) | Land Area Part (sq meters) | Water Area Part (sq meters) |
31636 | 13495 | NY | New York Mills | village | Oneida | 430603N | 0751735W | 43.1007043 | -75.2931133 | 152 | 499 | 2242191 | 0 | 3056761 | 0 | 43532 | 0 |
31637 | 14513 | NY | Newark | village | Wayne | 430230N | 0770535W | 43.0417867 | -77.0929653 | 144 | 472 | 117164734 | 195984 | 14035204 | 11970 | 14035204 | 11970 |
31638 | 13811 | NY | Newark Valley | village | Tioga | 421322N | 0761112W | 42.2229058 | -76.1867759 | 288 | 945 | 161146682 | 388696 | 2558385 | 0 | 2558385 | 0 |
31639 | 12550 | NY | Newburgh | city | Orange | 413013N | 0740114W | 41.5036973 | -74.0204722 | 66 | 217 | 89816424 | 1652550 | 9857747 | 2533739 | 9614254 | 112185 |
31640 | 12553 | NY | Newburgh | city | Orange | 413013N | 0740114W | 41.5036973 | -74.0204722 | 66 | 217 | 62589085 | 2665349 | 9857747 | 2533739 | 243493 | 0 |
31641 | 14028 | NY | Newfane | CDP | Niagara | 431708N | 0784138W | 43.2856857 | -78.6939464 | 105 | 344 | 35918090 | 1325263 | 13735039 | 0 | 1881887 | 0 |
31642 | 14108 | NY | Newfane | CDP | Niagara | 431708N | 0784138W | 43.2856857 | -78.6939464 | 105 | 344 | 64296147 | 0 | 13735039 | 0 | 11853152 | 0 |
31643 | 14867 | NY | Newfield | CDP | Tompkins | 422130N | 0763532W | 42.3582519 | -76.5922564 | 349 | 1145 | 175377443 | 369125 | 3256315 | 2549 | 3256315 | 2549 |
31644 | 13416 | NY | Newport | village | Herkimer | 431109N | 0750054W | 43.1859195 | -75.0150955 | 201 | 659 | 130253848 | 690188 | 1362006 | 166127 | 1362006 | 166127 |
31645 | 14301 | NY | Niagara Falls | city | Niagara | 430532N | 0790053W | 43.0920924 | -79.0147317 | 174 | 571 | 5355303 | 219591 | 36482615 | 7100859 | 5355303 | 219591 |
Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) by County
Get the list of all Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the United States with corresponding list of Counties (and counterparts) associated with each ZCTA, and details including: the government type of the County's Equivalent or counterpart (Borough, Census Area, City, County, District, Federal District, Municipality, Municipio, Parish, Unincorporated Territory, Unorganized Atoll), the Land Area and Water Area of both ZCTA and County, and how much Land Area and Water Area of that County is assigned to that ZCTA.
The list is sorted by State name, then County name, and then ZCTA Code.
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Row # | ZCTA Code | State Abbr. | County Name | County Equivalent | ZCTA Land Area (sq meters) | ZCTA Water Area (sq meters) | County Land Area (sq meters) | County Water Area (sq meters) | Land Area Part (sq meters) | Water Area Part (sq meters) |
983 | 99612 | AK | Aleutians East | Borough | 63867561 | 9593988 | 18091672533 | 20799851130 | 63867561 | 9593988 |
984 | 99661 | AK | Aleutians East | Borough | 461519715 | 121034325 | 18091672533 | 20799851130 | 461519715 | 121034325 |
985 | 99546 | AK | Aleutians West | Census Area | 84002711 | 13372411 | 11377885025 | 25183635754 | 84002711 | 13372411 |
986 | 99547 | AK | Aleutians West | Census Area | 20650663 | 168 | 11377885025 | 25183635754 | 20650663 | 168 |
987 | 99591 | AK | Aleutians West | Census Area | 90081543 | 8492215 | 11377885025 | 25183635754 | 90081543 | 8492215 |
988 | 99638 | AK | Aleutians West | Census Area | 342011130 | 1898730 | 11377885025 | 25183635754 | 342011130 | 1898730 |
989 | 99660 | AK | Aleutians West | Census Area | 109514405 | 6920472 | 11377885025 | 25183635754 | 109514405 | 6920472 |
990 | 99685 | AK | Aleutians West | Census Area | 145880954 | 19260937 | 11377885025 | 25183635754 | 145880954 | 19260937 |
991 | 99692 | AK | Aleutians West | Census Area | 859783 | 0 | 11377885025 | 25183635754 | 859783 | 0 |
992 | 99501 | AK | Anchorage | Municipality | 17227675 | 468698 | 4420591349 | 621302197 | 17227675 | 468698 |
About the website
This website is not affiliated with any organization. All the lists available on this website were obtained by processing publicly available records from various authorized government agencies such as the USPS, USGS, and the US Census Bureau. The raw data had been carefully collected, cleaned up, fixed, matched, consolidated and deduplicated (rid of any duplicates) in order to produce the most accurate and complete list as of December 2022.
The lists are well-formatted and can be directly imported as tables to any SQL/Database server without the need to edit file or fix any data.
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